丙級題庫-技能檢定學科練習 3.0 [免费版]


冷凍空調裝修 (00100)
室內配線-屋內線路裝修 (00700)
泥水-砌磚 (00901)
泥水-粉刷 (00902)
泥水-面材舖貼 (00903)
電器修護 (01000)
鑄造 (01100)
家具木工 (01200)
工業配線 (01300)
冷作 (01500)
自來水管配管 (01600)
鋼筋 (01800)
模板 (01900)
汽車修護 (02000)
熱處理 (02100)
重機械修護(引擎) (02702)
工業電子 (02800)
視聽電子 (02900)
化學 (03000)
鍋爐操作 (03100)
變壓器裝修 (03200)
工業儀器 (03600)
門窗木工 (03900)
配電線路裝修 (04000)
測量 (04200)
女裝 (04800)
農業機械修護 (05200)
陶瓷-石膏模 (05400)
男子理髮 (06000)
升降機裝修 (06400)〔A13版〕
女子美髮 (06700)
製鞋 (07100)
按摩 (07200)
配電電纜裝修 (07400)
中餐烹調-素食 (07601)
中餐烹調-葷食 (07602)
烘焙食品 (07700)
眼鏡鏡片製作 (07800)
油壓 (07900)
氣壓 (08000)
平版印刷 (08700)
食品檢驗分析 (09200)
肉製品加工 (09400)
中式米食加工 (09500)
中式麵食加工 (09600)
職業潛水 (09800)〔A13版〕
美容 (10000)
商業計算 (11400)
電腦軟體應用 (11800)
電腦軟體設計 (11900)
電腦硬體裝修 (12000)
工業用管配管 (12100)
氣體燃料導管配管 (12200)
化工 (12300)
電繡 (12400)
機械停車設備裝修 (12700) 〔A13版〕
水族養殖 (13000)
水產食品加工 (13200)
園藝 (13300)
農藝 (13400)〔A11版〕
造園景觀 (13600)
寵物美容 (13900)
西餐烹調 (14000)
機器腳踏車修護 (14500)
金銀珠寶飾品加工 (14600)
建築塗裝 (14800) 〔A12版〕
會計事務 (14900)
電腦輔助立體製圖 (15200)
汽車車體板金 (15300)
特定瓦斯器具裝修 (15500)
通信技術(電信線路) (15600)
農田灌溉排水-設施維護管理田間項 (15702)〔A12版〕
農田灌溉排水-管路灌溉項 (15705)
製茶技術 (16100)
車輛塗裝 (16400)
工程泵(幫浦)類檢修 (16500)
用電設備檢驗 (16600)
變電設備裝修 (16700)
輸電地下電纜裝修 (16800)
輸電架空線路裝修 (16900)
機電整合 (17000)
裝潢木工 (17100)
網路架設 (17200)〔A13版〕
網頁設計 (17300)
營建防水 (17400)〔A12版〕
混凝土 (17500)〔A13版〕
飛機修護 (17600)
手語翻譯 (17700)
門市服務 (18100)
銑床-銑床項 (18200)
車床-車床項 (18300)
模具-模具項 (18400)
機械加工 (18500)
印前製程-圖文組版項 (19101)
網版製版印刷 (19200)
國貿業務 (20000)
視覺傳達設計 (20100)
鋼管施工架 (20200)〔A12版〕
喪禮服務 (20300)
攝影 (20400)
下水道用戶排水設備配管 (20500)
飲料調製 (20600)
金屬帷幕牆-帷幕牆 (20701)
電腦輔助機械設計製圖 (20800)
建築製圖應用-電腦繪圖 (21101)
建築製圖應用-手繪圖 (21102)
陶瓷手拉坯 (21300)
金屬成形 (21400)
餐飲服務 (21500)
旅館客房服務 (21600)

Currently includes the following categories:
Refrigeration and air conditioning decoration (00100)
Indoor wiring-indoor wiring decoration (00700)
Mud Water-Bricklaying (00901)
Mud Water-Painting (00902)
Mud water-surface material paving (00903)
Electrical Repair (01000)
Casting (01100)
Furniture carpentry (01200)
Industrial wiring (01300)
Cold work (01500)
Water pipe piping (01600)
Rebar (01800)
Template (01900)
Car repair (02000)
Heat treatment (02100)
Heavy Machinery Repair (Engine) (02702)
Industrial Electronics (02800)
Audiovisual Electronics (02900)
Chemistry (03000)
Boiler operation (03100)
Transformer decoration (03200)
Industrial Instruments (03600)
Door and window carpentry (03900)
Distribution line decoration (04000)
Measurement (04200)
Women's clothing (04800)
Agricultural machinery repair (05200)
Ceramic-plaster mold (05400)
Men's haircut (06000)
Lift decoration (06400) (A13 version)
Women's Hairdressing (06700)
Shoemaking (07100)
Massage (07200)
Distribution cable decoration (07400)
Chinese Cooking-Vegetarian (07601)
Chinese Cooking-Meat Food (07602)
Baked goods (07700)
Spectacle lens production (07800)
Hydraulic (07900)
Air pressure (08000)
Lithography (08700)
Food Inspection and Analysis (09200)
Meat processing (09400)
Chinese rice processing (09500)
Chinese noodle processing (09600)
Professional diving (09800) (A13 version)
Beauty (10000)
Business Computing (11400)
Computer Software Application (11800)
Computer software design (11900)
Computer hardware decoration (12000)
Industrial pipe piping (12100)
Gas fuel pipe piping (12200)
Chemical (12300)
Electric embroidery (12400)
Mechanical parking equipment decoration (12700) (A13 version)
Aquaculture (13000)
Aquatic food processing (13200)
Gardening (13300)
Agronomy (13400)〔A11 Version〕
Gardening landscape (13600)
Pet grooming (13900)
Western cooking (14000)
Robot bike repair (14500)
Gold and silver jewelry processing (14600)
Architectural Coating (14800) 〔A12 Version〕
Accounting Affairs (14900)
Computer Aided 3D Drawing (15200)
Car body sheet metal (15300)
Specific gas appliance decoration (15500)
Communication Technology (Telecom Line) (15600)
Farmland Irrigation and Drainage-Facility Maintenance and Management Field Project (15702) [A12 Version]
Farmland Irrigation and Drainage-Pipeline Irrigation Item (15705)
Tea technology (16100)
Vehicle coating (16400)
Engineering pump (pump) overhaul (16500)
Electrical equipment inspection (16600)
Substation equipment decoration (16700)
Transmission underground cable decoration (16800)
Overhead transmission line decoration (16900)
Mechatronics (17000)
Decorating and carpentry (17100)
Network Setup (17200) [A13 Version]
Web design (17300)
Building waterproof (17400) (A12 version)
Concrete (17500)〔A13 Version〕
Aircraft maintenance (17600)
Sign language interpreter (17700)
Retail Service (18100)
Milling Machine-Milling Machine Item (18200)
Lathe-Lathe Item (18300)
Mould-Mould Item (18400)
Machining (18500)
Pre-press Process-Graphic and Text Edition (19101)
Screen printing (19200)
International Trade Business (20000)
Visual Communication Design (20100)
Steel Pipe Construction Rack (20200)〔A12 Version〕
Funeral Service (20300)
Photography (20400)
Sewer user drainage equipment piping (20500)
Beverage preparation (20600)
Metal curtain wall-curtain wall (20701)
Computer Aided Mechanical Design and Drafting (20800)
Architectural Drawing Application-Computer Drawing (21101)
Architectural drawing application-hand drawing (21102)
Ceramic hand drawn blank (21300)
Metal forming (21400)
Catering Service (21500)
Hotel room service (21600)


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  • 软件名称: 丙級題庫-技能檢定學科練習
  • 软件分类: 工具应用
  • APK名称: com.techcerti.c
  • 最新版本: 3.0
  • 支持ROM: 5.1及更高版本
  • 软件大小 : 48.39 MB
  • 更新日期: 2021-03-17